We are the Herndon Shelvers; A rag-tag group of battle hardened grunts united in one common goal:
To get the stuff that comes into the library neatly and painstakingly put back on the shelves so it can go right back out again. This is the circle of the shelver's life. Oh well, Hakuna Matata.
Our individual names are Dan, Duyen, Jessica, Michael, Michelle, and Sharon (notice all the names are in alphabetical order?; that's shelving skill, baby!) We come from all walks of life: some of us college students, some of us parents, some of us former circus performers, and at least one of us may be a moonshiner but we have yet to confirm the location of their still.
Of course we do the normal shelving stuff -organizing books, picking up candy wrappers off of the floor, mediating fist fights, and fortifying our branch against a possible zombie invasion- but we also do so much more.
Did you know in our off time we fight crime? Yes, we are a collective front battling the evil forces which plague our world -all except Dan, who is pure evil, but we need him to know how the enemy thinks.
In fact, if we all strike our fists together and chant three magic words in unison, we take the form of a giant robot who can kick the living tar out of most other giant robots. Bet no other shelvers at any other branch can do that, huh? Didn't think so.
This blog will be a place for us to express both our common and individual interests, and quite possibly be a safety valve to vent our growing and toxic hostilities towards one another.
Just kidding 'bout the last part. There is nothing but love and respect between us. We are actually thinking of starting a farming commune where we will raise brussel sprouts, emus, and milking goats. But if you mess with us, the hippie gloves are coming off and you're going to have one giant, angry robot to deal with.
This is who we are.

P.S. Michelle is a ninja...also she may be able to fly.
Hi D, D, J, M, M and S!
Finally a first post that I can really comment on! Thank you!
So as a group, when you put your fists together and say the three magic words, do your powers work like the Wonder Twins did? Are any of you former Wonder Twins? Does anyone have a Thundercat as a pet?
Booker never mentioned any of this, and I thought we were friends. Unless it is because you (as a group) are still top secret, then I would understand it. But we went to the NASA luncheon, you would think he would of....
I look forward to your posts!
Hey Tom,
Answers to your inquiries:
Our power-fist thingy works exactly like the Wonder Twins. In fact we totally ripped them off. Zan is still bitter about the whole thing. Sometimes he breaks into my car, transforms into a block of ice, and melts himself right on my seat. Getting melted Zan out of your apolstery is no fun task.
Well, unfortunately Florida Statute 585.063-213 makes it illegal for a person to own a Thundercat. So we make do with that stupid robot they used to replace the Human Torch with in the old Fantastic Four cartoon.
Booker's silence on the matter can mean only one thing: He is secretly planning to use us as part of an evil scheme to rule the world. We should it seen it coming..it was there all along...him sitting back there in his cubicle laughing maniacally.
It just has evil genius written all over it.
Thanks for commenting, Tom.
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